Tuesday, November 20, 2012

"Do Whatever it Takes"

Of course, being good Christians, we say things in our prayers like, "Dear God, you are so holy, and you want me to be like you.  Because you want it, I want it too.  Lord, take control.  I'll give you everything.  Just do whatever it takes to make me like you."

I say it all the time, and I mean it when I say it, but I've observed in my own life that I quickly forget that I said that.  I'm finding myself frantically grabbing back my words when "whatever it takes" turns into tests and trials.  I'm forgetting that all I want to be is what God wants of me.

This is, of course, natural.  We are humans, after all.  I console myself with this thought until I remember that God is supernatural, he dwells within us, and he has called us to be like him.  That excuse is pointless now.  What about God understands that we aren't perfect?  Well, we know he understands that we aren't because he had to command us to become so.  If you use that excuse, you are forced to admit your disobedience so far in that area.  And what's your excuse for that?

What about the Satan implanted "I didn't know what I was asking for!" excuse?  Go back to the time you asked God to change you.  You knew exactly what you wanted.  You knew that the easy road would never get you there.  You knew that anything worth while cost something to achieve.  You knew that because you have a sin nature you would struggle every day with what God wants you to do.  You knew exactly what you were asking for.

People tend to use this excuse jokingly when talking about asking God for patience.  May I remind you, you are laughing at a solemn plea that you made to a holy God, and now you're excusing yourself by saying something directly from Satan.  When excuses from God's will become jokes to laugh about, Satan truly has a foothold in your heart.

On the subject of learning patience, though, I started asking God to give me patience and teach me to be like him about a month ago.  Immediately, responsibilities I'd never foreseen piled up in front of me and I cried out for God to remove them for a week.

When the truth finally shone through, it was as if God were lifting me out of the burdens and just to where I could see the top of the mountain I'd come across, reminding me gently that he was in control, and he wouldn't send anything I couldn't reach.  It was only a moment's glance, but it was all I needed.  I know that the top of the mountain is up there, and I know that my burden is nothing that God didn't place on me and can't take off again.

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